Aliments DU QUÉBEC

We love the Aliments du Québec brand so much that we ate it up! The “Aliments du Québec au menu” sub-brand needed a little awareness boost from Kabane. This awareness program promotes restaurants and institutions with primarily Québec foods on their menu.

A local restaurant that cooks local products is doubly local. This simple, clear and straight-to-the-point message hits the mark through a down-to-the-second multi-platform campaign orchestrated by our digital strategy and tactics teams. We may not be cooks, but when we blend the work of our different teams well, it tastes great.


investment in Québec media
+ 80 %
increase in visits to the directory of member restaurants compared
+ 729 %
visits to the various restaurants participating in the program
+ 101 k
average completion rate
+ 80 %